What you need to take with you to the hospital

The appearance of a baby in the family is a great joy and even greater excitement. For every reason, even completely trifling, young parents have a real panic. The funny thing is that this happens even with those who are not the first time in the hospital. What to take with you to the hospital? What should be the baggage of the future mother, and what, frankly, in it, is superfluous? It is quite possible to understand experiences, but so that they do not affect the fact that it will fall into packages that will go with the future mother to the maternity ward, it is better to pack them in advance. This will solve two problems at once: if you forgot something, you can always report, and if you put something superfluous-remove it, let it not interfere. From the personal experience of the author of this article-to argue and buy something still will have to be, so do not spend your nerves in vain. Let’s start with the dowry to the newborn: • The costume in which he will be dressed immediately after birth – let it be festive, bright, beautiful, and also convenient and exclusively from natural fabrics, because it will spend its very first minutes in it. • diapers. The diapers are unlikely to be superfluous – they can be covered, they can be swaddled, they can be covered with both a swaddling table and a cradle where the baby will lie and wipe his mouth, and many other things. At the same time, the diapers quickly get dirty, so feel free to take 7-10 pieces with you (or more). • Clothing for the baby. For 9 months, some mothers manage to seriously stock up on children’s robes, but there is no need to drag all these outfits in the hospital. You will stay there for 3 days, and 2-3 times you will change your baby. Proceed from reasonable needs. • Cosmetics for baby. I mean: hygiene products like powder, creams for diapers, dry and wet wipes. Also grab the body oil for the body, cotton wool, green and hydrogen peroxide (treat the umbilical cord). • diapers. Small packaging during the stay in the maternity hospital will be quite enough. Personally, for mom, we also collect a separate package. Here we are mandatory to put a shirt in which we will go to the maternity ward and robe. It is better to buy it in a specialized knitwear store, where they sell robes wholesale and retail – there is more choice and acceptable prices. Do not forget to put interchangeable shoes and underwear. Toothpaste, brush, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, gaskets will also be useful (after childbirth you will be tormented by bloody discharge – Lochia). Mom needs to take documents (passport, exchange card), notebook and pen – you need to write down the questions – there will be many of them. It is very convenient if there is an electric kettle – its presence will greatly facilitate your stay in the hospital. All necessary medicines can also be bought in advance. And most importantly, remember – do not worry, everything will definitely be fine!