Unusual museums in Moscow

It is difficult to list all Moscow museums, and recently many new museums have appeared in the city. Of these, the most unusual are the packaging museum, the Calligraphy Museum, the Underground Press Museum, the Museum of the Puppet Yu. Vishnevskaya, Museum of Furniture, Cat Museum and some others. We will only tell you about two such museums.

Calligraphy Museum. This is the only museum in Russia whose expositions are devoted to the art of writing. This museum was opened in 2008. In addition to writing accessories, which are made by different nationalities in different eras, its exposition also contains unique letters that are made by world famous calligraphy masters.

When inspecting the exposition, visitors will also be able to see interesting examples of Slavic writing in the Cyrillic and Glagolits, masterpieces of European writing, which are made by different fonts (in t. h. Gothic), samples of Arabic writing. Interests are also caused by masterpieces of Jewish calligraphy. Also in the collection of samples there are masterpieces of Chinese and Japanese calligraphy – this art in the east has been devoted a lot of time, unlike the West.

The museum of calligraphy regularly conducts sightseeing excursions that will help you familiarize yourself with the exposition of calligraphy work. Excursions are held twice a week: on Wednesdays and Friday

Now let’s tell you about the packaging museum. It was opened in 1999. Its exposition includes a variety of types of packaging, including unique. Considering the exhibits that are in the museum, you can even see rare labels whose function was to decorate the goods released in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century. An old print on labels and a sample of spelling on them is characteristic of a given period of time, and therefore brings the museum visitors to this era. And thanks to the drawings of advertised goods, one can make a certain idea of ​​the life of the ancestors, their character, assortment of goods at that time, etc. D.

Considering the exhibits of the collection, you can see bottles, perfume bottles, metal jars with the presence of unusual lithography, candy wrappers and much more.

The second section of the exposition contains collections of Soviet packages and etiques that differ fundamentally from their pre -revolutionary samples.

In the third section of this unusual museum you will see samples of modern packages of etiques, and their comparison with masterpieces set in other halls allows us to conclude what the difference was in the technologies of that time and in the mentality of people. The museum also exhibits thematic collections, in particular, sets of beer labels, match labels, stickers for vodka bottles.

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