The pros and cons of stainless steel dishes

Stainless steel dishes are popular. It serves for a long time, looks good, easy to operate. But among the pluses there are also minuses. Consider why it is worth buying stainless steel pots and why they need to be used strictly according to the rules.

Strength and durability

If you liked inexpensive dishes in the online store, then be sure – it will last you for a long time. When used, there are no deformations, you will not see scratches on it, copes well with any adverse operating conditions. So, saving on the face-I bought once and use it until you want something new. With enameled pots, this does not happen – chips and scratches quickly disable it.

Convenience in cooking

A distinctive feature of stainless steel dishes – glass covers. The glass is heat -resistant, so you will simultaneously monitor the cooking process and not worry about the quality of the products.

Good heat resistance

If you buy new pots, then look at what the bottom they have. Now more and more reliable manufacturers make the bottom in several layers: two layers of stainless steel and between them aluminum, which accumulates heat. This is convenient during cooking, since the food does not burn, and is useful after, since the high temperature persists for a very long time due to the bottom and the dish does not cool.

Smooth surface

It would seem what the design of the design decision has to? But impeccable polishing, due to which the pan is smooth, leaves no chance of microbes. That is why stainless steel is attributed to the category of environmentally friendly dishes. By the way, the same advantage makes the care of the dishes as easy as possible – it is enough to wash with the sponge and there will be no dirt.


There are shortcomings too, but there are few of them. Due to the layering of a stainless steel pan, he will warm up longer than any other dishes.

With sharp temperature changes, the dishes are damaged and spots may even appear. But all this is easily solved – it is enough to observe the rules of use without putting cold pots on a hot stove and without leaving empty dishes for a long time on fire.

It remains only to recall that high -quality is not cheap and the cost of stainless steel is always higher than any other.