
The desire to decorate your own body has appeared since ancient times, including skin punctures to wear various earrings. Even American Indians pierced their ears, the ancient Egyptians made a navel piercing, and in ancient Rome the soldiers inserted rings into the nipples. At the same time, in antiquity, piercing was made in most cases men. This mod came to Europe much later, the ears pierced the sailors crossing the equator, and the rest of the piercing championship was kept by the ladies. Well, in the last century, thanks to hippies and rappers, fashion made a turn, giving green light a variety of piercings for both sexes.

Obviously, a similar method of decorating the body is not subject to time, on the contrary, it becomes more interesting every year. This was largely contributed to the departure from stereotypes that it was better to pierce only earlobes. So now piercing cartilage and earlobes, navel, nose, eyebrows, lips and tongue are popular now. Piquant nipples and intimate piercing are in demand. The puncture can also be made almost anywhere at will.

The abundance of all kinds of jewelry is pleasing: from simple to works of art.  There are small cloves, rings, pendants, there are tunnels, peculiar rods with nozzles on both sides and t.D. A small earring will add mystery and charm, large and catching will attract attention, carefully selected under the outfit will emphasize the style. To choose the right option is everything easier.

He decided to make piercing, the salon in Moscow will provide sterile, comfortable conditions, high -quality tools and vast experience of specialists, see Piercing here more details. There are some contraindications that require to postpone the procedure for a while or refuse at all, which a professional can also take into account.

The piercing is made by a special needle, taking into account the passage of blood vessels and nerve endings in the puncture area. Thanks to skill and good equipment, this procedure is carried out quickly and with minimal painful sensations. An earring is immediately inserted, which is not recommended to remove and change until complete healing. Ideal material, especially during the healing of the puncture, remain surgical steel or gold, which will not cause inflammation and rejection.

At first, it is necessary to strictly monitor the place of the puncture: to process with a special tool, to bother as little as possible, to refrain from going to the sauna, bathhouse and open ponds, do not squeeze with clothes piercing on the body, etc.D. The healing period for each type of puncture can be different: from several days to several months.

It is believed that with the help of piercing, sexuality is most effectively emphasized and individuality is expressed. He can not only decorate, but also focus on, give confidence, add new sensations. And if you get tired, then a simple removal of the jewelry will allow a puncture of overgrowing without unnecessary troubles.