Intervertebral hernia

Today, intervertebral hernia is one of the most common diseases. With the manifestation of such a dangerous disease as the intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine, the disk with further pinches of the nerve fiber occurs. Due to which the patient constantly experiences a feeling of discomfort in conjunction with pain. According to medical statistics, this problem mainly applies to men whose age ranges from 30 to 45 years. It is worth noting that the disease gradually begins to fetter the usual movements, while the sick person has to forget about the active lifestyle, and even more so about large physical exertion.

Proper treatment of hernia should be accompanied by a combination of drug treatment together with folk remedies. One of the elements of treatment should not be completely excluded, because only by joint forces can you achieve a positive effect. Often it is folk remedies that reduce pain cramps and improve the general condition of the patient.

Folk remedies include the following methods of impact on hernias:

• as they say, the heat of bones does not break. That is why a sore spot must be well warmed up. First we flood a hot bath, preferably on firewood. And we wrap the sore spot with a packaging film on which fat is applied with a thick layer. It is worth noting that the pain should retreat at the coming of a couple of hours. This procedure is repeated several times.

• after morning awakening, it is necessary to massage the sore spot with fir oil. After the massage, some lightness will feel, and the pain will retreat for the whole day.

• Another effective tool against the intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine is tincture based on garlic and vodka. First, 300-400 grams of garlic are taken and finely chopped, then the resulting mass is poured with vodka. It should be remembered that the tincture should stand in a dark place for ten days. Upon the coming of this period of time, the tincture goes and the gauze compress is made (for exactly 1 hour). This procedure is repeated every other day until the pain retreats.