How to warm the water supply – get acquainted with all kinds of ways

How to warm up a water supply from plastic pipes is a very urgent issue in the winter season. And how to make it improvised means? As it turned out, the most vulnerable place in the system of the external pipeline is the border between the air and the ground. It is there that most often the system freezes. Below we describe the methods of heating the water supply.

The advantages of a plastic pipeline

How to warm up water supply – video tips

Before talking about how to warm up a frozen water supply, let’s analyze why people choose this system. Than plastic pipes are so popular? Because they have a big minus – freezing in winter. As it turned out there are plenty of advantages. Of the main ones, several are distinguished:

Corrosion resistance. This is an indisputable advantage over metal pipes. Thereby increasing the life of a plastic pipeline. On average it is about 70 years. Plus, the same factor allows you to install pipe from plastic both in external and internal systems.

Noiselessness during work. This is especially important if installation is carried out in residential buildings.

Environmental friendliness. In the manufacture of plastic pipes, components harmful to human health are not used. During operation, harmful substances are not distinguished. Therefore, you can mount them in completely different institutions.

Repairs. If any damage has appeared in the pipe, then they can easily be close with glue.

Small weight, thanks to which work on installing pipes and their transportation is faster.

Low cost. That is why these pipes are available to a large number of people.

The disadvantage of these pipes is the impossibility of their use for fire water supply. Another minus can be called the freezing of the system in the winter season. Therefore, below we will describe the method of heating them.

How to warm the plastic water supply with boiling water?

Video Review of the mounted water supply

So, the problem of freezing pipes is quite popular. And many people know that you can warm the plastic with hot water. But not everything is aware of how to do it. Meanwhile, the technique is quite simple. For this, it is only important to take a metal -plastic or plastic tube. In this case, its diameter should be less than the diameter of the crane. The length of the tube should be equal to the distance to the freezing section. It is advisable to have two to three meters in stock. Since after warming up the place in the pipeline will be freed and it is important to push the pipe forward. Also, for the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a barrel per 100 liters of water. It will be important to constantly heat it.

At the second stage, the plastic tube is thrust into the pipeline as much as possible. In theory, she should rest at the freezing section. Water is supplied to the tube only when it is completely laid. A dimensional container is substituted under the crane, into which water will pour out. Then they turn on the pump and hot water comes from the tube to the freezing site. After some time, water flows from the crane to the container. The pump is turned off for a while. And they turn it on when the water stops coming from the tap. Thus they act several times until all the ice in the pipeline melts.

On a note! When it is possible to completely eliminate ice freezing, then water will begin to whip out of the tap under strong pressure – in this case, you need to pull out the metal -plastic tube and close the tap tightly.

Heating of the water supply underground – we consider other options

Pipes are effectively defrosted using a hydrodynamic method. But you need a special device for 220 in. General Pipe Cleaners are often used for these purposes. To be honest, these devices are intended to a greater extent to clean the sewage system. But some masters managed to adapt them to defrost a plastic water supply. So, how is the work done? The hose from the car is launched into the pipe (it should have a smaller diameter). After that, the device creates great pressure.

And through the nozzle at high speed and pressure, water flows, which breaks the ice site. This method is considered effective, but expensive. Since the device itself has a high price. There is another method of heating using a steam generator. That is, ice melts under the influence of steam. This method perfectly warms open sections of the pipeline. At the same time, it has a number of minuses. Firstly, a person who performs work can pour steam. Secondly, it is difficult to warm the pipes of small diameter. In any case, this method should be used only by specialists in compliance with safety precautions.

But in general, so that it does not have to warm the water supply, it needs to be insulated properly.