How to stick wallpaper and which tool is better to use?

Wallpaper are excellent wall decoration. Due to the variety of textures and drawings, they can be used in completely different interiors. So, they are used in classical, avant -garde, ancient, Romanesque, Scandinavian style and many others. With all this, an important moment is the correct application of the material. Here often the question arises – how to stick wallpaper correctly?

We select the wallpaper

Before proceeding to apply wallpaper on the walls, it is important to choose the right and calculate rolls. Firstly, it is worth considering in which room they will be used. For sleeping rooms, it is better to choose paper, bamboo and other natural canvases. In the living room you can use non -woven or textile wallpaper. They will help create a unique interior. For the kitchen, only washah, waterproof wallpapers are needed. Secondly, the number of rolls that will be needed for the room is calculated.

It is done quite simply. First you need to measure the room and determine its perimeter. Next, you look at the width and length of the roll. Usually the width is 0.53, and the length is 10 meters. On average, the height of the ceilings is 2.70 meters. That is, the roll is enough for 3 stripes. The calculation formula is as follows: the perimeter of the room/width of the canvas/3. For example, with a perimeter of a room equal to 26 meters, the calculation will be as follows: 26/0.53/3 = 16.35. Round up up to 17. This is the number of rolls that you need.

How to choose and cook wallpaper glue?

An important moment is the selection of glue and its preparation. The simplest composition that can be made at home is a mixture of water and flour, brought to a boil. But, it is best to use special fabels intended for a particular type of wallpaper. So, for vinyl, texture, paper and other coatings, its adhesive is produced. For example, CMC is well suited for paper paintings.

The recipe for making a clayer is always written on the package. Usually, a dry composition is poured into the container and diluted with a certain amount of water. All this is mixed. The time that goes to the full dissolution of the glue depends on the release date. The “older” he is, the more time you need. But, usually it is needed 12-15 hours. Throughout this time, the container should be indoors with room temperature. Plus everything you need to stir periodically.

How to stick wallpaper?

So, all the necessary materials are prepared, the question arises – how to glue the wallpaper? What is the sequence of work? To do this, we will describe the process on an example: how to glue paper wallpapers, as well as what tools will be needed. First of all, they are necessary:

Ruler, pencil, roulette, plumb.

Roller, wallpaper.

Dry rag, sponge.

Strenger, table.

Bucket, brush.

Scissors are wallpaper, knife or typical cutter.

At the initial stage, the preparation of walls is carried out for gluing wallpaper, since most of the base has some distortion and unevenness. The smoothness of the walls is checked is quite simple. A plumb line leans from the ceiling to the floor. If there are a lot of dimples and depressions, then the surface needs to be aligned. But before that it must be cleaned of the old coating with a spatula. Then a layer of plaster is applied to it. Then the walls are important to go out and give a certain time to complete drying them.

After the base is ready (should be clean, smooth and dry), the adhesive of the wallpaper begins. First they are cut into canvases. At the same time, it is important to think about whether it is planned to combine the picture. If not, then each canvas should be equal to the height of the walls plus 5 centimeters. In the case when the image needs to be combined, you will have to join the canvases in order to monitor this. A special knife is used for an even cut. At the same time, these work is recommended to be carried out on the floor or a specially prepared dry table.

Next, they begin to apply glue with a wide brush. The movements of the brush should be both vertical and horizontal (for uniform distribution of the composition). After that, the canvas must be folded in half and left in this state for 10 minutes so that it is properly saturated. Then it is unfolded and once again covered with a small amount of glue. Then they are applied to the walls. You need to start gluing from the corner or window. At the same time, it is worth drawing a vertical line for the first canvas. The evenness of the gluing of all subsequent paintings depends on its evenness. So, gradually from one to the second corner and a wallpaper sticker is carried out. At the last stage, the coating is given time for drying.

Recommendation: It is better to apply wallpaper on the wall together. The first person holds the canvas by the top, the second applies it below. This is especially important in cases where the material has a greater density.