Furniture blinds

Furniture blinds are a design in the form of panels. Their feature, which attracts attention in the first place – is the ability to open up or to the side by folding lamellas. Systems significantly save space, thanks to the property, do not open outward, but to fold. Furniture blinds that replace the cabinet doors allow you to place a household item in a narrow opening or in an inaccessible place.

The designs differ from furniture curtains and panel wooden partitions with increased functionality. They are able to fix at any point of movement or, if they close, then do not leave holes. Blinds will ensure the insulation of the space inside the closed cell and free access to it if necessary. You can purchase this product in finished form by ordering a catalog, also, if desired, it is possible to issue an individual manufacturing project.

The canvas of high -quality blinds can move in any direction, thanks to flexible control tools. The product will fit into any design of the room, due to the variety in the assortment of color solutions. Since the blinds are designed to replace the doors of cabinets and shelves, they can be made in the same style.

Minus or, rather, the nuance of this product is that if one panel breaks, then the canvas becomes unsuitable for use. But it is quite difficult to bring high -quality blinds to breakdown, unless you do it purposefully.

Advantages of furniture blinds

Such systems in front of ordinary doors are glad of advantages:

Products protect the internal space from the effects of sunlight and other environmental factors: moisture, dust.

Blinds ensure the safety of property inside the cabinets from outsiders.

Furniture blinds look very stylish in the interior of the room.

The product is universal by their area of ​​application: you can use both in office premises, apartments and in cars, garages, etc. D.

Blinds are extremely easy to operate, installing them is also not at all difficult, it is quite possible to cope without the help of a specialist.

The product can be purchased at democratic value.

The blinds are unpretentious in care, they can be cleaned with special means as they become dirty.

Types of furniture blinds

The blinds differ in the structure of the main body, the movement depends on this (the direction of movement of the canvas can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the location of the guides). In horizontal blinds, these mounts are located at the top and bottom of the opening, in vertical systems, respectively, on the side.

Also distinguish between built -in and overhead canvases. Guides of the mortise (built -in) blinds are installed during the manufacture of the piece of furniture. Parts of overhead blinds can be installed on any headset.

An important moment of the difference and also the product quality criterion is the materials used for the manufacture of blinds. Most often you can find plastic blinds on sale. Aluminum, polypropylene. Less common products of glass and wood, which are more expensive and their practicality in some aspects raises questions. It is much more appropriate to opt for plastic blinds, which are made with imitation of a high -quality tree of wood or any other material.

How to make a choice of furniture blinds correctly?

The material of the product, color, texture and technical parameters should be correlated with the item of furniture, as well as the general interior of the room. For example, glass blinds are perfect for the kitchen, while their use in the bathroom can cause inconvenience. Glass blinds are durable, it is difficult to damage them and scratch through mechanical exposure. In general, glass products are well suited as a material for kitchen furniture.

Metal furniture curtains will help to reliably protect the property, and are designed with the system of protection against hacking.

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of the guides at the time of choice, since poor mounts mean speedy breakdown of the structure, its malfunction.

If desired, you can mount the finished design of furniture blinds, if it is an invoice, then no difficulties will arise. You can also turn to the services of specialists.

DIY tissue blinds

The necessary materials for the manufacture of blinds:

Dense in structure fabric for lamellas by analogy with plastic panels.

Scissors, needle and set of threads for the color of the fabric.


Wooden boards by size of the opening.

Braid of the same color as the fabric, or approximate shade.

It is necessary to cut the canvas from the fabric, after measuring the width and the height of the opening with a centimeter for which the curtain will be intended. At the same time, you should leave the distance: from above 5 cm., On the sides – 2 cm., for wooden strips that need to be fixed from the inside with the help of side seams.