Fundamentals of rational nutrition

Synonym for rational nutrition, is a healthy diet. It involves providing the body with the necessary components for the implementation of a full life. With the right diet, many diseases and obesity can be avoided, which in recent years only gaining momentum, due to the appearance of a variety of product hypermarkets and abundance of products in them. Do not forget that for health it is necessary to relax as often as possible, for example, you can go on vacation in jameta, you will receive more detailed information here -/anapa/25/.

The first principle of rational nutrition is the creation of energy balance. In other words, it is necessary to achieve the balance between the energy value of the daily diet and the costs of the body of energy, depending on the kind of occupation of a particular person. It follows that if the goal is to lose weight, then the amount of energy consumption is reduced, and we increase the flow rate during the day, using physical activity, or vice versa, if the goal is gained. For an average person who has no problems with weight, there is a regulated calculation of consumption of kcal per day. For a person of mental labor-2000-2500, and for persons involved in heavy physical labor, at least 4000 kcal.

The second principle is a diet. You need to eat fractionally, at least 4 times a day. The time of eating should be at the same time. It is important to remember that the last use should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime and include at least from daily energy value.

The third principle, perhaps, is the most important – balance. The daily diet must necessarily include: proteins that are building material and participate in the formation of hormones, enzymes, antibodies; fats that carry energy and plastic functions; carbohydrates that provide directly the vital activity of the body itself; Vitamins and minerals. The optimal flow of proteins can be calculated based on a proportion of 1 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight and, in the total ratio of about 15% of the total daily diet.

Fat can be provided up to 30% of daily calorie content, based on the same calculation of 1g per 1 kg of body weight. Carbohydrates bear the main role in providing energy, since they should be at least 50-70%. Due to the fact that our body is not able to synthesize vitamins, minerals and other trace elements, and they are very important in ensuring and maintaining its vital activity, they must be taken from the outside, according to international estimates about the daily need. Here, to help those who wish, eat the right there are a lot of the complex developed by the complex, which are represented in pharmacies in the form of multivitamins. Rational nutrition – the key to health and longevity!