How to choose a down jacket for a child

Every winter, all children are looking forward to falling into the snow, play various games and ride a sled. But parents have another question: what to wear a child? The optimal choice for winter walks is a down jacket, since it is convenient, warm and you can move freely. In order to choose a really convenient, warm and high -quality jacket, you can visit the already familiar and time -tested online store of children’s clothing, then you can have no doubt about your choice.

Price and manufacturer

The main thing that parents immediately pay attention to is the price. This is understandable, a high -quality and warm down jacket is quite expensive, but if you look carefully and carefully, you can find a decent alternative at an affordable price. Some of the highest quality down jackets are produced in Canada, Italy, Sweden, France, but their cost can significantly devastate the budget of the family of average prosperity. In addition, children grow so fast that you won’t even have time to blink an eye, how an expensive Canadian jacket will become small. What to do in this case? There is a way out, because today good down jackets are sewing Belarus and Moldova, and they cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

Do not be afraid if you see on the label that the jacket for your child is produced in China. Now many advanced clothing manufacturers, including the nursery, transfer their production capacities to this country, which ultimately lowers the cost of the product, but in no case worsens its quality.

We look at the quality

The quality of the down jacket can be determined by whether there is a signature sign on accessories, as well as a sample of fluff. A qualitative children’s down jacket includes a set of spare accessories, and the label should indicate in which country it is produced. A down jacket for a child should be made of a microvolon, which will hold the fluff inside and protect from the wind and moisture. The hood is quite mobile, it can be unfastened, which is very convenient when walking with a child in different weather conditions. Please note that the down jacket has an internal pocket, closing the zipper on top, as well as the ability to adjust heaters.

The choice of fluff is one of the most important ones that parents have before buying a down jacket for their child. For the city winter, choose goose, swan or duck down. In a winter jacket, the percentage of the ratio of fluff for feathers should be 80 percent by 20. The down jackets are light, which allows the child to actively move with a minimum load on the spine. Choose a down jacket with a Down’s inscription – this is the best option for the ratio of the quality and durability of the down filler.

Buying a winter jacket to your child, it is important not only to choose a quality thing, but also to ask for advice from someone who will wear it. Children always like clothes that have a bright attractive color, various drawings and applications. Such a jacket will become a favorite thing, because it will be warm and comfortable all winter.