Folk medicine for coughing

You caught a cold? You are tormented by a cough, pain and sore throat? With the help of traditional medicine, one can greatly facilitate the course of most diseases, including colds. But before starting treatment with herbs and infusions, you need to decide what a cough is and what it happens.

So, a cough is a reaction of any organism aimed at withdrawal from light sputum. It should be noted that the cough is dry, in which sputum is not separated from the lungs, and wet, in which the withdrawal of excess mucus from the bronchi is much easier.

How to treat dry cough

If you are tormented by dry cough, then several recipes can help. Here is the first of them: mix egg yolk, butter, linden (floral) honey and wheat flour in equal proportions (about a tablespoon), mix. Take the resulting mixture in small quantities from 4 to 7 times a day.

It is also useful to drink warm milk. Add a teaspoon of thyme, coltsfoot or sage to it and boil to it. After the milk has cooled down a little, add a piece of butter and drink like hot tea, jamming with honey. Attention! Do not add honey to too hot milk, otherwise all the beneficial substances in it will collapse under the influence of high temperature.

The mucus of linden color and the root of the licorice in the proportion 2 to 3 liquefies very well. Pour one tablespoon of dried plants with a cup of hot water, let cool and brew for about 10 minutes, strain and take it with warm half a glass at a time.

How to treat wet cough

How to eliminate wet cough? You can breathe hot steam by adding essential oils to the water: mint, eucalyptus, rosemary, thyme, fir, add grated garlic to enhance the effect and breathe for about 10 minutes.

If you have no oils or garlic, then weld potatoes and also breathe over a hot steam for about ten to fifteen minutes.

Medunitsa tea helps very well. After all, in distant times, tuberculous patients were treated with such a drink. And the people called the grass heavily “lungs” for their healing properties.

Drink carrot or beetroot juice, berry juices or fruit drinks. Pay special attention to the juice of black radish with the addition of sugar and honey.

Another good folk remedy for any cough is badger and bear fat. For 3-4 days, rub their chest and you will certainly notice an improvement in overall well-being and softened cough. This method can be used for pregnant women.

One of the principles in the treatment of any disease is not to launch them! After all, complications that developed as a result of our indifference to our health will take away even more effort and time to eliminate them! Therefore, use folk medicine for coughing as a prevention at the very first symptoms of a cold.